How to Write a Blog Step-by-Step Instructions + Blog Post Templates for Free]

How to Write a Blog Step-by-Step Instructions

Follow a step-by-step guide and helpful templates to help you learn how to write a successful blog post that is targeted to your audience and your customers.

If you've been a reader of a blog post, you've read content from an influential person with a reputable reputation in the field. It's likely that if your blog's post is well-written and you've come out with valuable information and a favorable opinion of the person or company who wrote the post.

Anyone can interact with their readers by blogging and benefit from the numerous benefits that blogging can bring organic traffic from search engines, content that promotes for social media and recognition from an audience that you haven't yet.

If you've heard of blogging but aren't sure how to get started and don't know where you should begin, the time of excuses is now over. You can not only build an SEO-friendly website and we'll show you the best ways to create and manage your company's blog but also offer useful templates to streamline your blogging endeavors.

  1. What is a blog article?

  2. How to Create A Blog?

  3. Writing Your First Blog Post

  4. What is the best part of a blog post?

  5. Blog Post Examples

  6. How to Write a Blog Article

Let's begin by asking a crucial question.

Blogging can be a different thing depending on the subject you're working in So let's start using this description.

Blog posts let you and your company to share thoughts, ideas and articles on your site on any subject. They can boost the visibility of your brand, increase credibility in addition to generating revenue. In addition, they will aid in driving visitors to your site.

However, before you can start posting posts to blogs, you must learn how to begin one first. Let's begin.

1. Understand your audience.

Before you begin making your blog posts, be sure that you have a thorough idea of the audience you want to reach.

Ask them questions such as what do they want to learn about? What resonates with them?

This is where making personas of buyers can be helpful. Take a look at the things you know regarding your personas' buyer as well as their interests when coming up with the topic for your blog article.

For example, if your customers are young people looking to establish a company they probably don't require you to give them information regarding how to start a business using social media. The majority are already using it down.

It is possible that you be able to provide them with information on how they can adjust your social media strategy (for instance, changing from an informal, personal approach to a more professional focused, networking-oriented approach). This kind of adjustment will help you create posts on topics that your audience actually would like and requires.

2. Take a look at your competitors.

There is no better method to find an inspiration from than to study your most well-known competitors?

It's worth looking at the most popular and highly reviewed blogs as their strategies and implementation has helped them to gain credibility. The reason for this isn't to duplicate the same elements, but to better understand the things that readers like about the best blog.

There are many perspectives to consider when conducting a competitive analysis:

  • Visuals Check out the blog's branding as well as the color palette and the theme.
  • Copy Study the tone and style of your competitors to determine what readers like best.
  • Topics Find out what subjects their readers love interaction with.

3. Choose the topics you'll discuss.

Before writing any article, decide on a topic you'd want for your blog to be about. The subject matter can be general until you discover your ideal area of blogging.

The best way to pick topics to discuss include asking yourself questions such as:

  • Who would I like for me to address my letter to?
  • How do I comprehend this topic?
  • Does this topic matter?

4. Identify your unique angle.

What are your perspectives that sets you apart from the rest? This is the most important factor to determine the course of your blog's development and there are many options to consider during the process.

  • What is it that makes you an expert in your field or thought-leader in the field?
  • What is the problem you'll solve for readers?
  • Do you want to share your thoughts on current debates?
  • Do you teach your readers how to accomplish something?
  • Share or compare the research you conducted?

It's your responsibility to choose the most unique approach you'll use to tackle topics.

5. You can name your blog.

This is your chance to think up a unique and creative your blog name catchy enough to give visitors the idea about what they can be expecting from your blog. A few tips regarding choosing a blog's title include:

  • Make sure your blog's name is simple to spell and pronounce.
  • Link your blog's name with your company's message.
  • Be aware of what your intended people are looking for.

If you're still looking for help, try the blogger names generator.

Be sure that the name you choose isn't taken already because it may reduce your exposure and confuse those who are looking for your website.

6. Create your blog domain.

Domains are the name given to your website. the domain is part of the nomenclature for web addresses that someone could use to locate your site or even an element of your website on the internet.

The domain for your blog's domain will appear similar to this: The name that you choose between these two spaces is up to you, so long as the domain does not yet exist on the internet.

Are you looking to set up a subdomain to your blog? If you already own a cooking business at, you might create a blog that looks like this: That is, the blog's subdomain will be in its own part of

Specific CMS platforms provide subdomains as a service for free, which means that your blog is hosted on the CMS and not the website of your business. For example, it might look like this: If you want to create a subdomain that is linked to the website of your business and register it with the web host.

The majority of web hosting providers charge a minimal amount for hosting a domain that was registered initially In fact the cost of hosting a website can be at least $3 per month if you sign up for a 36-month duration.

Pro Tips: You can connect your personal domain to a free hosting service using CMS Hub, which is free CMS or in the premium editions that are available on CMS Hub. It also gives you access to security features that are built-in to the CMS as well as a content delivery system.

Here are five more web hosting services that are popular to consider:


7. Select the CMS and then set up your blog.

CMS (content management system) CMS (content management system) is a program that lets users create and manage a website without writing code from scratch. CMS platforms allow you to handle domains (where you design your website) as well as subdomains (where you design a page that connects to an existing site).

HubSpot customers create web-based content through the CMS Hub. Another very popular option is to host a self-hosted WordPress blog using a hosting platform like WordPress Engine. If you create your own domain or subdomain to begin your blog, you'll have to select the Web hosting service following the selection of the CMS.

Pro Tips: You can get started at no cost with HubSpot's free blog creator. The free CMS provides everything you require to start your blog, including hosting an editor with a visual interface and hundreds of paid and free themes you can choose from.

8. Modify the appearance of your blog's design.

When you've had your domain in place, you can customize the look and feel of your blog to reflect the subject matter of the blog you're planning to produce and your company's image.

For instance, if your blog is about sustainable practices or environmental issues, green could be the color you think about when creating your blog.

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If you have an existing website and write the first blog post for the website, you manage to be sure that the content is in keeping with the website's design and topic. Two options to achieve this is to include your:

  • Logo It could be your company's name or logo. It'll make blog readers aware of who's writing the blog posts. (How extensively you wish to make your blog's name known, however, is entirely up to you.)
  • "About" page You may already have an "About" blurb that describes you or your company. The blog's "About" section extends this more formal declaration. Consider it to be the mission statement of your blog, which is a way to promote the goals of your business.

9. Write your first blog post.

After you've got your blog up and running, content is only needed. While the layout and design are fun and valuable, however, the content draws your readers in and keeps them returning. How do you create one of these fascinating and informative articles?

Writing Your First Blog Post

You've completed the technical and practical details down. Now is the time to start writing your initial blog entry. It's not where you can introduce yourself and the newly-created blog (i.e. "Welcome on my site! This is the subject I'll cover. Here are my Twitter handles. Would you like to be a follower? ?").

Begin by writing about "low-hanging fruits," write about a particular subject that will appeal to just a small portion of your intended readers.

It's not intuitive, is it? If more individuals are looking for a word or area, it should translate to that you will have more visitors.

But this isn't the case. If you select a broad and well-searched subject covered by big competitors or well-established companies, your blog post will likely appear in the search engine result webpages (SERPs). Give your brand new blog an opportunity by picking the topic that very only a few bloggers have written about.

Let's go through the process.

1. Pick a subject you're interested in and know a lot about.

Before writing you write, choose a topic to write about in your blog. It can be pretty general at first. For instance, if selling a CRM designed for small to medium-sized enterprises, Your blog post could be about the necessity of using one system to keep your sales, marketing, and service teams in sync.

A tip A word of caution: You might not be able to read the "how-to" article when writing your first blog article.


Your credibility isn't quite established as of yet. Before you can teach others on how to perform a task you'll need to prove that you're an authority in your field as well as an authority source.

For example, if you're a plumber and you're writing your first blog and you're not yet writing an article titled "How you can Replace the Piping System in the Bathroom." In the beginning you'd write about contemporary faucets or the story of your own success that you have had when you saved the faucet from flooding the house of a customer.

Here are four more kinds of blogs that you can start with:

  • "List" ("Listicle"): 5 methods to repair the leaky faucet
  • Curated Collection 10 sink and faucet brands worth considering in the present
  • SlideShare SlideShare 5 types of faucets to replace the old one (with images)
  • News Piece: A new study shows that X percent of the population doesn't change their faucets often enough

If you're having difficulty coming to come up with topic ideas If you're struggling to come up with topic ideas, a idea brainstorming session will assist. In the article I've linked, my friend guides you through a useful procedure for making one idea into a variety of. Much like those "leaky water faucet" examples in this case, you'll "iterate on old subjects to create unique and intriguing topics."

This is done through:

  • Changes in the scope of the topic
  • Adjusting your time frame
  • The choice of a new target audience
  • Positivity or negativity
  • The introduction of a new format

First Blog Post Ideas for the Future

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Looking for examples of real blog posts? Find out what your first blog article could be like based on the topic you pick and the target audience you're aiming at.

2. Find a keyword that is low-volume to improve your search results around.

Find a keyword with little or no searches on Google (we recommend sticking with around 10 to 150 searches per month). They are more competitive and, therefore, should allow your article to be ranked quickly.

When choosing a topic, you can choose to either engage in a traditional brainstorming session , or do keyword research. We suggest the former because you'll be able to determine the number of people searching for the area.

Don't be frightened by the word " keyword research." It's not only for marketers, but it's great for bloggers who are new to the field, too. It's actually quite simple to complete.

To get started on your research on keywords, start by identifying the primary theme for your website.

Say you're a plumber. Your main, top-level subject could include "plumbing" (67K per month searches).

Then, you can put this keyword into a search tool like:

If you search for this keyword through the tool the list of related keywords will pop up. Go through the list, and pick one that has a lower volume. In this case we'll choose "under faucet plumbing" (1.4K monthly searches).

Enter the keyword into the keyword tool once more. Check the related keywords. Select one with less search volume. Repeat the process.

In this case we'll go with "plumbing problems in the kitchen sinks" (10 per month). This is our topic for our first blog post.

TLDR Choose a low volume keywords with low competition to guarantee your first article ranks.

3. Google the term is used to determine the intent of your searchers.

You've chosen your subjectnow you have to verify whether the search query is met with posting a blog.

What is that?

If someone is seeking "plumbing issues under the kitchen sink" they may be looking for a video tutorial or illustration, an article or a product to solve the problem. If they're searching to find the three first items, you're in luck -- they could be addressed in blog posts. The product is different and your blog post will not rank.

What can you do to double-check your the intent of your search?

Google the word and take a look at the results. If you see other blog and article articles rank for the same phrase, then you're good to begin. If you're only able to get lists of products or pages in major magazines, discover a new subject to write about in your initial post.

Take a look at the phrase "under sink , plumbing for bathroom" (30 months of monthly search). The term seemed to make a great match because of its very low monthly searches.

On a search for the term for the term, we came across carousels of products, pages for products at Home Depot and Lowes, as well as guides published by major publications. (You'll be advised to stay clear of subjects that have been extensively covered by major publications at the very least.)

TLDR: Before you write the first post on your blog on an area with low volume, make sure you double-check the intent of the reader by searching the term. Don't forget to check out the writers who have written about this topic to date. If you recognize a big company, you might want to write on a different topic.

4. Find answers to questions and terms that are relevant to the topic.

It's a unusual topic that's been covered by only the handful of people who have covered it so far. It's time to expand it by exploring related or related subjects.

Make use of the below tools:

  • Answer the public If you type your search term in this program, it'll provide you a list of possible questions relevant to the keyword.
  • Google: Google is your most trusted friend. Look up the keyword and then look for "People also inquire about" as well as "People also look up." Make sure you discuss these areas in your blog article.

You can also utilize these tools for keyword research that we discussed in the first step.

5. Create a feasible title.

You may have several different titles for your work that is variations of how to approach that subject to help you narrow your writing.

You could, for instance, opt to limit your topic down to "Tools for Fixing Leaky Faucets" or "Common Less-than-perfect Faucets." A title that is working and will help you write your article before you begin writing.

Let's consider a article as an example " How to Choose a Topic that is Suitable for Your The Next blog post."

Appropriate, right? The subject in this instance was likely "blogging." The working title could have been something like "The Procedure for Choosing the Topic for Your Blog Post Topic." The final title was "How to Pick a Great Topic for your next blog Post."

Notice the progression from topic into working title, the final title? Although the working title might not become the title you choose to use (more on that later) It still gives enough details to concentrate your blog post on something that is more specific than a general, excessive subject.

6. Draw an outline.

Blog posts include a lot of information -both for both the reader and writer. The trick is to arrange the information to ensure that readers don't get overwhelmed by the length of or quantity of information. The organization could take a variety of formats -- categories, list, or tips -- whatever's appropriate. However, it must be properly organized!

The Templates are Downloadable for free

Let's look at the article, " How to Utilize Snapchat: A Deep Review of HubSpot's Snapchat Strategy." There's plenty of information within the post, which is why it's divided into sections with informative headers. The most important sections are split into sections that provide more depth and make the information easier to understand.

In order to complete this step All you need to do is outline your article. In this way, prior to you begin creating your post, you'll be aware of the areas you'd like to write about and in what order you should complete the task. To make the process more simple you can download and utilize our blog post templates for free designed with six templates for the six most commonly used blogs. Fill in the spaces!

7. Write an introduction (and create a captivating intro).

We've provided more details on making captivating introductions in the article " How to Write an Introduction," but let's go over the basics let's go over it, will we?

In the first place, you must get the attention of the reader. If you fail to grab the attention of your reader within the first few paragraphsor even sentencesin your introduction, they'll be unable to continue studying (even prior to giving your blog an opportunity to be heard). This can be accomplished by a variety of methods to tell a story, or a joke, or be compassionate, or impress readers with an intriguing information or fact.

Then, explain the reason of your blog post and explain the method by which it will solve any issue that the reader might have. The reader will be given an incentive to read on and demonstrate how your article can aid them in improving their job or their lives.

Below is an instance of an intro that we believe does a great job in grabbing a reader's attention immediately:

"Blink. Blink. Blink. It's the dreaded cursor-on-a-blank-screen experience that all writers -- amateur or professional, aspiring or experienced -- know and dread. Of all the times for it to happen it is what seems to afflict us most when we attempt to create an introduction. ."

8. Each section should be outlined in your outline.

The next step but not the lastis creating the content. You shouldn't overlook this, obviously.

After you've created your outline or template you're now ready to complete the gaps. Utilize your outline to guide you and build on the points in the event that you need to. Write about the things you already know If necessary do additional research to find more details as well as examples and data to prove your point as well as making sure you give proper credit when you incorporate external sources. If you do this, make sure to discover reliable and credible facts to incorporate into your article.

If you're struggling to string sentences together, you're all on your own. Find the right "flow" can be difficult for many people. There are, however, numerous tools you can leverage to develop your writing. Here are some to start:

  • Power Thesaurus: Are you stuck on a particular word? Power Thesaurus is an online tool for crowdsourcing that gives users many alternative words from a group of writers.
  • ZenPen If you're having difficulty staying focus, you should try this tool for writing that isn't distracting. ZenPen provides a simple "writing zone" that helps writers get their words down without having to worry about formatting straight away.
  • Cliche Finder Are you concerned that your writing may be looking a bit too cheesy? Find instances where you could be more specific with this useful tool for identifying cliches.

9. Create and promote your initial blog in any way you want to.

If you're a brand new blogger You probably don't have a following on social media as of yet. You don't have to have an extensive following before you can develop an advertising strategy.

A strategy for promotion is your general plan of action for how you create, share and interact through your social media accounts. It lets you make the most of digital and social media technologies to communicate your company or, in this case your content. A well-planned promotional strategy provides your customers from different marketing channels more options to discover your blog's content.

What are the qualities of a great blog post?

Before you start writing your blog, ensure that you are aware of the answers to your questions like "Why should someone continue to read the entire blog?" and "What is it that draws our readers to read more?"

For a start, a great blog post is informative and informative. Blogs must answer readers' questions and help them solve a problem they're facing -- and you need to do it in a manner that is engaging.

It's not enough to answer a person's questionsyou must also offer actionable steps and be entertaining. For example, your opening must entice readers and encourage them to read on. Also, you can use examples to keep readers curious about your content.

Be aware that a well-written blog post is enjoyable to read and can provide informative content for readers.

(Want to understand how you can apply blogging and other types in content marketing for your company?

Quick Blog Writing Tips

  • Make sure you conduct research in order to make your point clear.
  • Make your content easy to skim and break it down into digestible pieces.
  • Use interesting quotes or interesting facts to emphasize the topic.
  • Paint a full-length picture using pictures, graphics or videos.
  • Use Grammarly to identify errors.
  • If you're not sure where to begin, you can first start by telling a tale.
  • Social media posts as references.
  • Each sentence should communicate a single concept.

Even though you've got plenty of tools and tricks already, we'd like to give you some guidelines for formatting prior to publishing your own.

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