Top 10 Benefits of Email Marketing

 Top 10 Benefits of Email Marketing

Top 10 Benefits of Email Marketing

According to an Adobe study, millennials spend 6.4 hours per day reading their emails.

Email isn't just for millennials. The majority of people check their email on a daily basis, and they do so while working out, eating, and even going to the bathroom.

Email marketing is a secure way for your company to communicate with its customers. It's a low-cost way to reach customers where they spend most of their time — in their inbox.

Learn about the other advantages of email marketing for communicating with your audience, attracting new customers, and expanding your business.

Why email marketing is effective

Email marketing, unlike some other marketing channels, allows you to communicate with your customers on a regular basis. Email is the simplest and most effective way to let your customers know you value them, whether it's a simple "Thank you for subscribing," a cheerful "Welcome on board," or a heartfelt "Happy Birthday." Customers appreciate it when a company treats them as an individual rather than a number.

That value should be reflected in the emails you send, and the more value you provide, the more eagerly your target audience anticipates hearing from you. When this happens, it'll be much easier to get them to respond to your CTA.

There's plenty of evidence to back up email marketing's advantages:

91 percent of adults in the United States prefer to receive promotional emails from companies with which they do business. (Source: MarketingSherpa)

When it comes to acquiring new customers, email is nearly 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined. (McKinsey & Company)

Use email to take your marketing to the next level.

Email is still one of the most effective ways to communicate with customers and potential leads. There are several advantages to devising the ideal email marketing strategy for your company:

1. Content that is targeted and personalised

You can segment your customers into different lists based on their preferences and send highly personalised content to them using email marketing. Email is the ideal channel for driving engagement, from crafting the perfect subject line to images that resonate with your customers and valuable content that helps your audience.

To ensure that your emails are always engaging, adjust your messaging for different audiences. Ignore the temptation to make a hard sell too soon in the process. Create a bond with your customer that can grow over time by first cultivating a strong foundation of trust between your brand and the recipient.

2. Establish trustworthiness

Emails with a shady subject line or from an unknown sender can feel like spam. Customers often delete these emails because they just don't feel right.

For some customers, an emoji is enough to make them smile and click. Others may be prompted to look for the unsubscribe link by the same subject line. You must tailor your content to meet the needs of your readers. Knowing your readers' interests and needs ensures that your email lands in the inbox rather than the spam folder.

Customers will know which emails they're signing up for and how often they'll be receiving emails from you if you create a permission-based email list with a checkbox for users to opt-in to your mailing list.

3. Increased brand awareness

Some of today's most well-known brands are so well-known that they have become synonymous with the industries in which they operate. Spotify is a good example of this. Their emails are all relevant and expertly curated.

Imagine your small business standing out as a well-known brand, similar to Spotify.

Email marketing is a great way to build your brand identity because it gives you direct access to your customers' or potential customers' email inboxes. You'll have an advantage over your competitors once you start creating valuable content for customers.

You can even get useful feedback from your emails. Are your customers satisfied with the content you provide? Would they be interested in learning something new?

Use a survey or start a social media discussion. You'll know exactly how to provide valuable content in your emails once you've gotten them involved in the process.

4. Increase sales

According to Marketing Week, email generates around $37 billion in retail sales each year.

Email marketing is a great way to encourage impulse purchases. You can persuade a customer to buy something else in a variety of ways:

Along with the products that the customer purchased, highlight items that are frequently purchased.

List items that are similar to the customer's previous purchases.

Make a special deal or offer for future purchases.

When customers receive an email informing them of a relevant product that is related to a previous purchase, they frequently act on impulse. This is especially true if a relevant promotion is available.

5. Customer relationships that are stronger

A good email is appreciated by your customers. It doesn't go unnoticed how much time and effort it takes to write the perfect email. They want to know what's going on with your company and how they can help.

Reaching out to all of your customers in person or over the phone is nearly impossible. Email marketing campaigns fill in the blanks. You could even use a drip marketing campaign to make the process go more smoothly.

Drip campaigns are ongoing campaigns that guide users through the buyer's journey to a final conversion point. They're frequently used to provide consistent value to subscribers while also keeping your brand at the forefront of their minds. These emails frequently "drip" useful information, products, or tips over a period of days, weeks, or months.

The emails you get when you browse Amazon but don't buy anything, for example, are part of a drip email marketing automation at work.

6. Make the most of your time and money

There are always time and budget constraints in any business, but especially in small businesses. Small businesses do not have the financial resources to go all out and buy advertising space during the Super Bowl.

Even targeted direct mail campaigns, such as delivering flyers to local mailboxes, can be expensive. You could spend several dollars per flyer delivery between design, printing, and mailing costs.

This time spent not focusing on your business is lost revenue as well as an opportunity to connect with your customers on a more personal level. The efficient use of time and budget is one of the most significant advantages of email marketing for small businesses. It is not difficult or time-consuming to create a professional email marketing campaign. It is still cost-effective to send emails to a large number of subscribers.

7. Metrics for figuring out what works

When it comes to customers opening your emails, you only have a short window of opportunity. They see your email in their inbox and decide whether to open it or ignore it based on how well the "From name" and subject line resonates with them. A high open rate indicates that your customers are familiar enough with your brand to want to hear from you at any time of day.

Following that is your click-through rate (CTR), which gives you an idea of how many customers took the time to read your email and click on the links within. Across all industries, the average click-through rate is around 7%.

After a customer has opened and read your email, your next goal should be to get them to convert – that is, to take the action that your email has requested. Your email conversion rates are an important metric to track because they indicate how well your email's call-to-action performed.

8. More visitors to your website

Emails are an excellent way to encourage people to visit your website. Within the body of your email, you can include relevant links to your website. You can also use email campaigns to encourage customers to interact with other valuable content on your website or blog.

A local design school, for example, could send out emails informing people about a new design class with a limited number of seats. If they hadn't revisited the website in time, many of their customers and potential leads may have missed out on this opportunity to attend the class. Instead of waiting for reservations to come in, the design school can quickly fill all of the seats.

Include social sharing buttons in your emails to encourage customers to share your content on their own social media platforms.

9. Assign authority

When you run your own company, you want to be known as an expert in your field. Establish that to establish yourself and your company as the authority in your customers' eyes.

Customers who have subscribed to your marketing newsletters have done so because they want to hear from you. They enjoy your content, and keeping them engaged is one of the most important goals for any email marketer. One of your most valuable marketing tools is content, which you can use to build other aspects of your marketing strategy. People will sign up to see more great content if they like what you do.

10. Create an atmosphere of anticipation

Everyone wants to be a part of a select group, especially email subscribers who enjoy special benefits.

Your customers aren't all the same, and a one-size-fits-all strategy isn't going to cut it. Use your email campaigns to emphasize to your customers that they are unique and important to your company.

Customers love a good deal, whether you're giving them a sneak peek at an upcoming product launch or simply rewarding them for being loyal customers. Several times a year, Volkswagen sends free movie tickets to its email subscribers. During the holidays, Starbucks offers free drinks to its gold members.

You might not be able to give away free stuff to your customers as a small business, but a little something extra can go a long way. Rewarding your customers is a nice gesture, and it's also a great way for you to achieve your marketing objectives faster. Everyone comes out on top.

Email is a great way to start communicating with your customers.

It's easy to get lost in the details of creating an email marketing campaign that benefits both your customers and your company. There is a lot to learn, but there is also a lot of opportunities to communicate with your customers instead of sending emails all the time.

You can build your brand, outperform your marketing goals, and establish yourself as an expert with email marketing, all without breaking the bank. You can quickly create professional email marketing campaigns regardless of your level of experience. That means you can spend less time worrying about marketing details and more time focusing on growing your business.

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